Sunday, June 7, 2015

THE #1 MAIN way to get better gas mileage, is with a GASOLINE VAPORIZER!  There are many ways to make one, I've designed several.  There are more ways posted @:, by typing in, "gasoline vaporizer".  You can find another way (& MUCH MORE AMAZING INFO), @:

Sunday, May 10, 2015


You CAN get MUCH BETTER GAS MILEAGE!  Details @:  I make GASOLINE VAPORIZERS (my own design) a bit like the one Tyson Capel shows @: & type in, "gasoline vaporizer".   I sell my design of a GASOLINE VAPORIZER for $500.00-IF you send a down payment of $200.00 to Lee Ferrell, 501 Piney Grove Ch. Rd., La Grange, NC 28551-7709.  My design is not patented & can't be-I plan to make it public knowledge soon.  Allow 3-6 weeks for delivery due to high demand!  Two or more to the same address-only $400.00  $600.00 installed.   It is MUCH BETTER than the one sold by:  Notice that their will sell for a MINIMUM of $330.00  With my design YOU DON'T USE FUEL INJECTORS or a carb so your engine will run without a computer & MUCH BETTER-100% EFFICIENT-ALL the gasoline is burned-NONE WASTED!  Why waste fuel & POLLUTE NEEDLESSLY (EVEN IF YOU CAN AFFORD TO)?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015